Call: 01746 718617 or for nursery/wrap around 01746 718 769

London Residential 2024: 3-6 June

We're looking forward to the London Residential 3rd - 6th June. Please see below for the exciting details!

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09 May 2024

Sporty start to the Autumn Term

Children across the school have been participating in sporting activities this term - with much more to look forward to!!

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06 Oct 2023

St. Mary's Church - re-opening activities

St. Mary's Church - re-opening activities

Our village church has undergone a vast restoration programme and recently we were delighted to be invited to the re-opening with a number of activities for the children to participate in.

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22 Jul 2023

New date for Fete on Friday 21st July

New date for Fete on Friday 21st July

The fete is now taking place on Friday 21st July, 5:30pm - 8pm. A lovley community event for all the family.

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16 Jun 2023

World Book Day

World Book Day

Thank you for everyone's amazing efforts for World Book Day this year. It's delightful to see all of the children embracing this special day with such enthusiasm.

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05 Mar 2023

The four school houses have been competing in a hockey tournament.

This week KS2 held their house matches for hockey. The results were: 1st Shire, 2nd Shetland, 3rd Dartmore, 4th Highland. Congratulations everyone!!

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10 Feb 2023

Ocarina Christmas Magic

The children in Severn and Corve Class performed brilliantly in their Christmas concert earlier today.

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16 Dec 2022

Children shine during their performance

Congratulations to all the children in Teme and Rea Classes for a special Christmas Nativity.

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16 Dec 2022

Help to raise funds for school

Easyfundraising is an 'easy' way to help raise funds for school whilst you do your on-line shopping with no cost to yourself!!

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01 Dec 2022

Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival

Celebrating Harvest Festival in St. Mary's Church, Stottesdon

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08 Oct 2022

New photos for the website

New photographs for the website coming soon!!

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25 Sep 2022

Understand your child

Please click here for information about free courses about Understanding Your Child

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22 May 2022

Parent, pupil, teacher consultations

Parent-pupil-teacher consultations will take place the week commencing 14th February.

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29 Jan 2022

New Mobile App

You can now access the school website using our new mobile app.

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21 Sep 2021

School lockdown survey

An overview of the answers from parents and carers about how the school managed throughout the lockdown.

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16 Apr 2021

Learning pack/book exchange

As we work through this current lockdown and home school learning, we have devised a sysyem for exchanging books and home school learning packs. Please see below for full details.

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15 Jan 2021

Fundraising success

Fundraising success

The recent sponsored walk the children did to Chorley raised a phenominal amount for both children in Need and FoSPS. Thank you everyone for your support!!

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20 Nov 2020

Anti bullying week

Children have reflected on the issue in assemblies this week using antibullying week resources.

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19 Nov 2020

Letter to children returing to school

Letter to children returing to school

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22 May 2020

Site specific news

Site specific news regarding re-opening Stottesdon School

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15 May 2020

Letter from the Trust

Letter from Trust (school opening parent letter)

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14 May 2020

Letter from Stottesdon School

Letter from Stottesdon (pupil attendance request letter)

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14 May 2020

School closure

Unfortunately, Stottesdon C of E School will remain closed until further notice. Should critical workers or vulnerable children need support please email admin@stottesdon-school Keep safe everyone

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24 Mar 2020

World Book Day

World Book Day

Well done to everyone who all looked amazing on World Book Day!!

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08 Mar 2020

Rollercoaster STEM Challenge at Lacon

Rollercoaster STEM Challenge at Lacon

Corve class enjoyed a fantastic STEM afternoon at Lacon on Thursday afternoon. The children had to create a rollercoaster to carry a marble around the course. The children thought carefully about their designs and tried hard to achieve the challenge

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29 Feb 2020

New Hall Opening Ceremony

New Hall Opening Ceremony

We were over the moon this week to be able to open and begin to use our new school hall. Thank you to everyone who has had a part to play in this long journey - we're finally here!!

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05 Feb 2020

Happy New Year and New Hall!!

Happy New Year and New Hall!!

Welcome back and we hope you have had a lovley Christmas and New Year. It won't be long before our new hall will be ready. Please see this photo to see the work in progress so far. We will keep you updated with any news.

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08 Jan 2020

Anti-bullying week

Anti-bullying week

Throughout the school, all of the classes have been carrying out activities to celebrate and promote anti-bullying week.

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17 Nov 2019

Shropshire Music Service

Shropshire Music Service

The children went to Lacon Childe School to enjoy live music from the Shropshire Music Serivce.

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17 Nov 2019

Peter Pan

Peter Pan

This week the children have enjoyed the pantomime Peter Pan held at Lacon Childe School.

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17 Nov 2019

Promise Auction

We are holding our fourth Promise Auction on Friday 18th October, 7pm at Chorley Village Hall. We're trying to raise funds for landscaping around our school hall. Please come along and support us if you can.

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04 Oct 2019