Call: 01746 718617 or for nursery/wrap around 01746 718 769

The current Governing body is represented by parents, staff, the parish council and other members of the community. Our role is to be critical friends of the school, help to provide the best possible education for your children and to enable them to reach the highest standards of achievement.

We are expected to contribute to the development of the school, having a good working knowledge of the School Development Plan and of its policies and procedures.

More recently we have been involved in the following:

  • Expanding accommodation
  • Implementing and setting the school budget
  • Looking at the progress and attainment of pupils throughout the school
  • Training opportunities including Safeguarding Children, Ofsted inspections and understanding Analysing School Performance (ASP).
  • Link visits regarding Safeguarding, Pupil Premium, and Early Years and nursery/wraparound.

To see a full list of governors, their roles and a register of business interests then please see the following:


Stottesdon School Governors


Type of Governor

Term of office start date

Term of office end date

Declarations of Interest

An introduction

Rachel Datlen




Friends of Stottesdon Primary School. Member of Parks Trust. Trustee and Secretary of Lacon Childe PTA

Rachel manages the Countryside, Gypsy and Traveller and Road Safety Education service areas at Worcestershire County Council.

She has knowledge of financial, people and facilities management in a public sector environment and links with the community.

She likes to see that children gain a well-rounded learning experience, including a good connection with the community and that they have the environment, resources and facilities to bring out the best in them.

Jane Jones


02.10.23 01.10.27

Employed as a teacher at the school

Jane is the Key Stage 1 Teacher within our school.

She brings knowledge of the curriculum, how children learn and the day to day workings of the school to the governing board.

Her interests lie in the teaching and learning, children and staff wellbeing.

Katie Jones - Headteacher

Ex-officio 01.03.06 n/a



Daniel Middleton

Parent 09.06.21 08.06.25


Daniel is a lecturer of biology at Halesowen College, teaching biology on a variety of courses. He also teaches some chemistry.

He brings analytical skills from my time working within scientific laboratories prior to starting teaching in 2006, as well as all the skills, knowledge of education from teaching, to the governing board.

He is interested in how students are prepared for their next steps, both within the primary school and beyond; the use of awards, achievements and other forms of praise, and the avoidance of bias in their use and the teaching of science (from both the teachers' and pupils' perspectives)

Chris Tibbits - vice-chair

DHET Foundation 13.03.23 12.03.27


Chris lives in the village of Stottesdon and is married to one of the Church wardens, so is heavily involved in the Church. Recently he has been instrumental in securing the grant responsible for the current restoration of the church.

Dr Robert Kennett MBE - chair

Community 25.10.23 24.20.27

Director of Prometheus Communications Ltd and Dudlick Ltd. On Stottesdon Parish Council

Rob holds the degree of Master of Education (Training and Evaluation) and a Doctorate in Education (Global Educational Policy) from the University of Hull. He is the founder and Director of a Training Company that delivers programmes both nationally and internationally.
He was awarded a MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2009.
He is married and he is passionate about history and gardening.

Sarah Home

Parent 12.07.24 11.07.28


Sarah is a director of WIllowdene Rehabilitation, a local rehabilitation service providing specialist interventions across the criminal justice and health sectors.

She previously worked as a secondary science teacher before taking a role developing training opportunities at Willowdene. Sarah is passionate about the value of education and lifelong learning.

Sarah has a background in medical research and trained as a secondary science teacher. She joined Willowdene in 2005, providing numeracy and literacy training to adults at risk.

Sarah is responsible for managing 40 members of staff and working with a number of agencies to achieve the best outcomes for the most at risk in our society. Safeguarding children and adults is a priority within her work whilst promoting physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Sarah has four children and has enjoyed seeing three of children flourish during their time at Stottesdon

Lauren Walker

Parent elect    

Sister-in-law to Tracey Wood (TA)

Lauren is a senior leader at a Pupil Referral Unit in Worcester with lead responsibility for teaching and learning, curriculum, interventions and English.

With over 20 years experience in SEMH and SEND teaching, she has knowledge of the curriculum and the education sector.

Lauren is passionate to support every child's needs throughout their learning journey and has a strong ethos that places the child as the central focus. All children deserve the best possible outcomes and schools are best placed to help them reach these.





Meeting attendance
Governor meeting attendance 2023-24
Governor meeting attendance 2022-23
Governor meeting attendance 2021-22

Chair of Governors: Rob Kennett 2024-25

1 x ex-officio foundation governor

Former governors
Richard Lewis, Parent, 01.09.23-18.06.24
Mark Daborn, Ex-officio Foundation
Sarah Price, Community, 24.09.19-23.09.23
James Auden, Foundation, 02.02.20-10.10.22