Supporting your child with spelling
The curriculum has a high expectation for all pupils with regard to their spelling. As a school we will aim to meet this high expectation through:
• Increased input/guided/taught sessions.
• To make sure accurate spelling is in success criteria of lessons
• In marking, staff highlighting spelling errors in yellow (around 3 per piece of work- appropriate to age and ability). Children will correct the spelling themselves and practise through repetition at the end of their work.
• Promoting children to value accurate spelling in their work. If spelling is accurate (appropriate to age/ability) children will get a spelling bee sticker. If children get 10 spelling bee stickers, they will be awarded a spelling bee badge in achievers.
We also send word lists home (Years 1 to 6) in the hope that you will help your child in improving this area of their work. In your child’s reading record (YR– Y6) is a record of words that they are spelling correctly/incorrectly. As the year moves on we will update as appropriate.
Please help your child with these spellings which are individual to them:
• Practise them on car journeys
• Write them in the adverts – have a note book to hand!
• Make up silly ways of remembering them e.g. how you pronounce the word, rhymes, mnemonics
• Rewards
• Practise in as many ways as you can: paint/felt tips/chalk/water with a paint brush; in the air with a magic finger; with playdough or in sand.
• Use their sound mats to support in grapheme choice