What is it?
The Pupil Premium is designed to ensure that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most. The funding is allocated to Local Authorities and schools with pupils from Reception to Y11 who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), are looked after or have parents currently in the Armed Forces. The funding allocated is £1455 per FSM pupil and £2530 per Looked After Pupil. From April 2012 the coverage of the Premium was widened to include those eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years.
How is it spent?
The allocation helps to fund: additional curriculum opportunities; additional support; a structure to support quality teaching; interventions as appropriate. Provision that supports pupils in receipt of pupil premium is attached.
Measuring the impact
The Pupil Premium finances are strategically directed to raising pupil attainment, and progress is carefully tracked on a termly basis to ensure that pupils who are eligible for pupil premium benefit from targeted interventions. The governing body and head teacher monitor the deployment of all resources including finances to ensure that it has a positive impact on children’s learning including for children who would be at risk of falling behind.
Where can I get more information?
For more information about how we plan provision / track progress please speak to the Headteacher.
I am not sure if my child would be eligible for FSM, where can I get more information? Please speak to Mrs Wood (Office Co-ordinator) in confidence and/or consider information on the website link below.
Please click below to read about how we spend and get impact from pupil premium funding.