Call: 01746 718617 or for nursery/wrap around 01746 718 769

For trust-wide policies, including the E-Safety policy, please click below. Key additional Stottesdon C of E Primary policies are listed below. If you should require any other information, please contact the office.

Trust Policies Link


For Curriculum Policies, please visit the curriculum page here

Filename Size Date
Accessibility Plan (Review 2024) 207.1KB 14/01/2022
Admissions Policy 2023-2024 208.1KB 13/02/2022
Admissions Policy 2024-2025 206.2KB 04/10/2023
Admissions Policy 2025-2026 198.8KB 01/03/2024
Anti Bullying Policy 2023 239.1KB 09/12/2023
Assessment Policy 2022 222.9KB 30/03/2022
Attendence Policy 326.0KB 04/11/2022
Catchment Map for Stottesdon School 718.2KB 19/09/2019
Child Protection Policy 2023 694.2KB 19/09/2023
Collective Worship Policy (2022) 398.8KB 04/04/2022
Early Years Policy 2023 295.0KB 04/10/2023
Equality Information and Objectives (Review 2023) 174.8KB 04/04/2022
Food and drink Policy 216.3KB 28/01/2020
Freedom of information Model 286.5KB 17/11/2019
Home school agreement 535.3KB 19/09/2019
Intimate Care Policy 2024 204.3KB 23/06/2024
Legionella Policy 199.6KB 14/07/2022
Lockdown Procedure 214.3KB 04/11/2022
Marking and Feedback Policy 2022 303.4KB 30/03/2022
Mental Health Policy 116.6KB 04/11/2022
Monitoring and Evaluation Policy (2022) 169.1KB 04/04/2022
Policy for Children who are Looked After and Previously L... 333.6KB 23/06/2024
Remote Educational Statement 107.2KB 16/11/2023
School Behaviour Policy 2024 1.4MB 28/06/2024
SEN Policy 213.2KB 11/11/2022
Teaching and Learning Policy.pdf 558.0KB 09/02/2022
Transition Policy 2024 219.2KB 23/06/2024
Uniform Policy 202.3KB 04/11/2022