Call: 01746 718617 or for nursery/wrap around 01746 718 769

Supporting your child

Here you will find a range of resources and activities that you can use, at home, with your child. If you would like further advice, your child's teacher will happily talk through specific activities that would support progress. 

Alternatively look at individual year group expectations under the curriculum section in the Learning menu option.


Learning to read with phonics

Each day children in the early years, year 1 and year 2 have a phonics lesson. These lessons teach children the correspondences between graphemes in written language and phonemes in spoken language and how to use these correspondences to read and spell words.  We use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Programme 

Phonics and Early Reading Policy 2024


Below is the link to the powerpoint and resources that we use at the workshop for parents:

Welcoming to phonics powerpoint

Reception’s Phonic Sound Mat and Letter Formation Rhymes

Reception letter formation sheets

Pencil grip information

Using our sound arm video

Some great videos to help with sound practice here

Some more general advice and free resources here

Year 1 and Year 2 resources

Phase 2 phonic mat

Phase 3 phonic mat

Phase 4 phonic mat

Letter Formation Rhymes

Letter formation practise sheets when your child begins to add the ‘flicks’ ready for joining.

Phonic reading book progression

Nursery and Reception Books with no words

Enjoy the book  2, 3, 4 times until the children tell you the story and question you!
Through discussion:

  • broaden vocabulary
  • relate themes to their life
  • do some sound isolation:  ‘’  What sound can you hear at the start of ……?  Can you find something beginning with s, a, t, p, n (eye spy books)
  • Talk about what writing is (briefly)
  • Question with why, what, how, where, who, when?

books with no words

Books with words

Enjoy the book  2, 3, 4 times until the children tell you the story and question you!

  • Begin to sound out(lips the fish) – sound video
  • Begin to blend
  • Model it
  • Share it
  • Read through the pictures (eagle eye)
  • Praise trying hard (trying lion)
  • Question
  • Relate to life
  • Lower case letters first
  • Capital names later (I and i)

Enjoy it, reward it, make it special.

books with words

By the end of reception/beginning of year one

Where we hope to be by the end of Reception (but we can’t do it without you)

  • Pupil knows phase 2 sounds (see programme – by xmas)
  • Pupil knows phase 3 sounds
  • Video shows pupil beginning to read fluently (automatically blending) and using quick sounding out if they need to check
  • Occasionally they may need to revisit their phonic mat for support

Use of pictures
Sometimes read for them

by the end of reception


These resources and ideas were developed by teachers at Stottesdon. Please use the following link for a digital copy.

Reception/Y1 Mental Maths

Rea Class Mental Maths

Support with addition

Support with subtraction

Support with multipication

Support with division

Calculations guidance

Learning Your Times Tables

With the dawning of the new curriculum, the focus on learning the times tables has shifted quite considerably. The new expectations are as follows:

Year one : Count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10
Year two: Count in steps of 2, 3 and 5, and 10 from any number.   Use and recall multiplication and division facts from the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.  Use multiplication facts from the 3 x tables.  Show multiplication can be done in any order.

Year three: In addition to the above, count in multiples of 4 and 8. Recall and use multiplication and division facts from the 3, 4 and 8 x tables.
Year four: In addition to the above count in multiples of 6, 7 and 9.  Recall multiplication and division facts for times tables up to 12 x 12.

In years five and six these facts are used and applied throughout the maths curriculum and are therefore vital.  

To help you and your child with this journey, please click on the links below for various information.

Times Table information

Useful websites and apps

3x 4x
5x 6x
7x 8x
9x 11x

General Advice for Parents


Year One

The following video will show you progression through Y1

  • Grappling with ay/ai/a-e)
  • Becomes more familiar with keywords but next level needed: would could
  • Repetition in the text helps (or do shared reading
  • Makes active use of word attack strategies:
  • Eagle eye (picture)
  • Flippy dolphin (tak – take)
  • Chunky monkey

progression through year 1

Where we hope to be by the end of Y1 (but we can’t do it without you)

  • Pupil reads fluently
  • Sounds are internalized (refer to programme now know)
  • A focus on discussion is still very important to check comprehension
  • Chunky monkey of multisyllable words: b-ur-s-t; re-c-or-d-e-d
  • Skippy frog may become useful
  • Discuss vocabulary
  • Develop expression
  • Make it fun, special,
  • reward it

Where we hope to be by the end of Y1 (but we can’t do it without you)

at the end of year 1

Please find a copy of our Reading Toolkit which will give you helpful tips and prompts about suitable questions to ask your child about what they are reading.

reading toolkit

Reading scheme

We use a variety of readiing schemes in the school, such as Oxford Reading Tree, Read Write INC, Songbirds, and they are all colour coded, as descibed in the link below.

reading bands

Reading Challenge

Our whole school reading initiative has been put in place to help encourage and motivate children of all ages, to read regularly. This regular reading should be a mixture of sharing books/texts for enjoyment (e.g. picture books, non-fiction, newspapers etc) and frequent practice with their regular reading book (from the reading bands or fiction book).

Each child in school has a school bookmark.

Reception – Year 2 have a grid. Children will be rewarded with a sticker if they read at least 4 times per week at home (this will be checked on a Monday).  When children have filled their grid (reading regularly for the term) they will be awarded a book voucher.  Book vouchers entitle them to select a book with the Headteacher.  Once the book arrives it will have a certificate in the front acknowledging their achievement. Once they have read their book it is donated to the class for others to read.

Years 3-6 have recommended books/authors on their bookmark and there is plenty of choice in school. When children finish a book they will be rewarded with a sticker.

When children have read 5 books they will be awarded a Book Voucher to spend as described above.

Happy reading!!

Learning to read in Teme Class

Learning to read in Teme Class

Handwriting videos

Please click on the above link for the full range of handwriting videos.